Football Manager 2022 Experiments

A Football Manager 2022 experiment can be a great way to get to see an alternative reality where hypotheses of what can happen in the future or what if are questioned. Our collection of Football Manager 2022 experiments features videos from FM Youtubers where managers are transfers to reveal what could happen in Football Manager if they were in charge of a given club, or how a certain team would fare if they had a huge transfer budget.

Join our adventure by taking a look at these recommended Football Manager 2022 experiments. If you would like to include your FM22 experiment in this thread or got ideas for certain ideas for experiments in Football Manager 2022 you’d like us to do, contact us by reaching out to us via Twitter.

What if Bielsa Was Appointed England Manager ahead of World Cup 2022

How would England do it at the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar if Bielsa was England Manager?
With an intense 4-1-4-1 Bielsa tactic applied, can England take ‘home’ the World Cup trophy after 56 years!
… and who would be the top scorer for England, especially if Kane was forced to play as a Mezzala?

Find out in this brand new World Cup 2022 Experiment, or download the Bielsa Tactic down below!

by FMGegen

Football Manager 2022 Experiment Bielsa as England Manager

What if Pep Guardiola took over as the Newcastle Manager?

In the first FM22 Experiment TaylorMadeGaming has appointed Josep Guardiola As Newcastle manager. With €200Mill in the bank and Pep as manager, how would Newcastle do it? Could they compete for the first Premier League trophy in years? Could they reach the final stages of the Champions League and eventually become the best team in England and Europe?

by TaylorMadeGaming

fm22 pep guardiola at newcastle

More from TaylorMadeGaming:
Twitter: @TaylorMGaming
Youtube: TaylorMadeGaming

FM22 san marino

More from DodgeeGamer!
Twitter: @dodgeegamer
Youtube: DodgeeGamer
Twitch: DodgeeGamer

Are San Marino really the worst team in the world?

San Marino currently finds itself on the bottom of the FIFA Ranking behind minnow nations like Turks of Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands and Guam!

Youtuber Dodgeegamer wanted to do a simulation to find out. By adding the bottom 12 nations in the FIFA ranking into a new fictional Football Manager cup entitled The Other Final, it’s time to see if they are as bad as the current nation rank.

by DodgeeGamer

More FM22 experiments coming soon!